Google Maps API — Google Developers 「Google 地圖提供一系列的 API,可讓您將 Google 地圖的的完善功能和日常實用性嵌入您的網站和應用程式,並將您自己的資料疊加於這些 API 之上。」
我的網頁設計: Google Maps API 實作範例 Google Maps API 內建四種控制項: GLargeMapControl : 適合給大型地圖的控制項。GSmallMapControl : 適合給小型地圖的控制項。GSmallZoomControl : 只有 Zoom Level 的調整 ...
Sign Up for the Google Maps API - Google Maps API — Google Developers The Earth API no longer requires an API key. Google Maps JavaScript API v2 Note: The Google Maps Javascript API Version 2 has been officially deprecated as of May 19, 2010. The...
Google Maps Android API — Google Developers Before you can begin working with the API, you will need to download the API and ensure that you have a Google Maps Android API v2 key. Both the API and ...
Upgrading Your Google Maps JavaScript Application To v3 ... Version 2 of the Google Maps JavaScript API is no longer available. This guide ... For example, instead instead of GMap2 , you will now load google.maps.Map .
Google Maps JavaScript API V2 Basics - Google Developers As of November 19, 2013, all applications requesting v2 are served a special, wrapped ... All Maps API applications should load the Maps API using an API key.
Google Maps Android API v2 — Google Developers Google Maps Android API v2. Get Started. Hello Map. import .gms.maps.*; import com ...
Sign Up for the Google Maps API - Google Developers The Google Maps JavaScript API v3 does not require an API key to function correctly. However, we strongly encourage ...
Google Maps JavaScript API V2 Basics - Google Developers Please follow the guide to migrate your code to version 3 of the Google Maps ... Maps JavaScript API v3 documentation for information on generating a key for ...